As a welcoming and inclusive congregation, we hope and pray that every person who enters our church will feel welcome in our diverse community and will experience the life-changing love of Jesus.

What Can I Expect as a Visitor?
To make your first visit comfortable, here’s information to help you know what to expect on Sunday mornings:
- MCCC worships every Sunday, 10 a.m. to 11 a.m.
- Our church service begins with a time of worship through singing and prayer, followed by scripture reading and a time of teaching from the Bible.
- Our services are designed to be friendly and relaxed, where each person feels free to participate as much or as little as they want.
- As our guest, we hope you’ll feel comfortable, learn something relevant from God’s Word, and feel at home among new friends. We definitely hope you will come again!!

- Dress comfortably! Most people dress casually. You will fit in no matter what you wear.
- Visitor parking is reserved along the front row, closest to the entry. Look for the Visitor Parking signs or park anywhere it’s convenient.
- Greeters will provide you with helpful information and steer you in the right direction. Stop by our Welcome Table for information about our children’s program, nursery and ministries.
- Refreshments: Grab a cup of coffee or tea as you head into the sanctuary. Coffee and cookies are served after the service.
- Restrooms are down the Nursery/Children hallway.
- Nursery: Infant to 3 yrs: Child care is provided down the hall to the left of the sanctuary doors. A friendly team of caring trained volunteers will help you sign your child in and give you a pager in case you are needed.
- Sunday School: 4 yrs to 5th grade: Kids start off worshiping with their parents in Church. After a few songs, children are invited to go to Sunday School, where teachers lead them in an engaging Bible story and fun craft. Parents should pick up their child at their classroom following the service.
- Safety Policy: All Children’s Ministries are staffed by trained volunteers who follow MCCC Safe Church Policy and have passed background checks.
- Children are welcome to stay with parents through the service or they may attend Sunday School.

Worship Service
- Seating: Feel free to sit where you feel comfortable. This is a great time to make new friends!
- Worship Music: We are a congregation who loves to sing! The Worship Team provides a blend of contemporary worship songs with our favorite hymns. Words are projected on the screen so it’s easy to follow along.
- Sermons: Our sermons are always biblically based, as well as relevant and applicable to real life. Our Pastor uses every-day language and illustrations to help everyone understand and connect with God’s Word.
- Lord’s Supper: We celebrate the Lord’s Supper on the second Sunday of each month. All who believe in Jesus as their Lord are invited to participate. We serve grape juice and gluten free bread.

Before you leave!
- Join us for Coffee, Cookies and conversation after the service. We would love to get to know you!
- Need Prayer! If you would like someone to pray with you, please tell the Greeter or Pastor Rob after the service.
MCCC is a safe place to ask questions and seek answers together, recognizing that each person is in a different place in their spiritual journey.
Welcoming & Inclusive: What does MCCC mean by this?
We hope to see you Sunday or join us on Live Stream.

Join Us Sunday Mornings @ 10AM | In-Person or Online
425 745 2094
[email protected]
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